/** * tt_slideshow.js 1.0.0 * Main file for the slider, it includes all the effect and animations for the background images as well as slideshow foreground shapes and images. * For slide background, each effect is defined with their effect name and function to execute the backgound effect is $.fn.TTSlider.slideShow() * foreground effects are applied calling the $.fn.TTSlider.effectForeground() method. * @author TemplateToaster * GPL Licensed */ ; (function ($) { var _bgStretcherAction = false; var _bgStretcherTm = null; var element = null; var element1 = null; var currentSlide = null; var transitionEffect = null; var v = null; var dx = null; var mycanvas = null; var loop = null; var ctx = null; var count = 0; var length = 0; var timeout = 1000; img = new Image(); $.fn.TTSlider = function (settings) { element = $(this); element1 = $(this).find("ul:first"); currentSlide = element.find('> ul > li:first'); transitionEffect = currentSlide.attr("data-slideEffect"); settings = $.extend({}, $.fn.TTSlider.defaults, settings); $.fn.TTSlider.settings = settings; stopTransition = $.fn.TTSlider.settings.stopTransition; prefix = $.fn.TTSlider.settings.cssPrefix; timeout = $.fn.TTSlider.settings.begintime; if (transitionEffect == 'None' || transitionEffect == 'Blind' || transitionEffect == 'Circlereveal' || transitionEffect == 'Fade' || transitionEffect == 'Pixelate' || transitionEffect == 'RadialBlur' || transitionEffect == 'Ripple' || transitionEffect == 'Wipe' || transitionEffect == 'SlideLeft' || transitionEffect == 'SlideRight' || transitionEffect == 'SlideTop' || transitionEffect == 'SlideBottom') { var list = currentSlide.find('.' + prefix + 'slideshow_last').children().length; if (list != 0) { currentSlide.find('.' + prefix + 'slideshow_last').children().hide(); $.fn.TTSlider.effectForeground(currentSlide); } //$(this.selector + ' > ul > li:gt(0)').hide(); var topid = $(this).attr('id'); $( '#' + topid + ' > ul > li:gt(0)').hide(); } $.fn.TTSlider.pagination(); $.fn.TTSlider.button(); if (!stopTransition) { _bgStretcherTm = setTimeout('jQuery.fn.TTSlider.slideShow(\'' + jQuery.fn.TTSlider.settings.sequenceMode + '\', -1)', timeout); } }; /* Default Settings */ $.fn.TTSlider.defaults = { slideShowSpeed: '3000', begintime:'1000', transitionEffect: 'fade', // none, fade, simpleSlide, superSlide slideDirection: 'N', // N, S, W, E, (if superSlide - NW, NE, SW, SE) sequenceMode: 'normal', // back, random cssPrefix: '~prefix~' }; $.fn.TTSlider.settings = {}; $.fn.TTSlider.slideShow = function (sequence_mode, index_next) { _bgStretcherAction = true; var next; $(currentSlide).stop(true, true); if (index_next == -1) { next = currentSlide.next(); if (!next.length) { next = element.find('> ul li:first'); } } else if (index_next == -2) { next = currentSlide.prev(); if (!next.length) { next = element.find('> ul li:last'); } } else { next = element.find('#Slide' + index_next); } var index = currentSlide.attr('id').substring(5); var nav = $('.paginationLink').eq(index); nav.removeClass('current'); var index1 = next.attr('id').substring(5); var nav1 = $('.paginationLink').eq(index1); nav1.addClass('current'); next.css({ "left": "0px", "top": "0px" }); currentSlide.css({ "left": "0px", "top": "0px" }); next.find('.' + prefix + 'slideshow_last').children().css("display", "none"); transitionEffect = next.attr("data-slideEffect"); switch (transitionEffect) { case 'Fade': $.fn.TTSlider.effectFade(currentSlide, next); break; case 'Circlereveal': $.fn.TTSlider.effectCirclereveal(currentSlide, next); break; case 'RadialBlur': $.fn.TTSlider.effectRadialblur(currentSlide, next); break; case 'Wipe': $.fn.TTSlider.effectWipe(currentSlide, next); break; case 'SlideLeft': $.fn.TTSlider.effectSlideLeft(currentSlide, next); break; case 'SlideRight': $.fn.TTSlider.effectSlideRight(currentSlide, next); break; case 'SlideTop': $.fn.TTSlider.effectSlideTop(currentSlide, next); break; case 'SlideBottom': $.fn.TTSlider.effectSlideBottom(currentSlide, next); break; case 'Blind': $.fn.TTSlider.effectBlind(currentSlide, next); break; case 'Pixelate': $.fn.TTSlider.effectPixelate(currentSlide, next); break; case 'SimpleSlide': $.fn.TTSlider.simpleSlide(next); break; default: $.fn.TTSlider.effectNone(currentSlide, next); break; } //for video in slideshow-start var slideshowParent = document.getElementById(prefix + "slideshow_inner"); var slideshowParentChildren = slideshowParent['children']; slideshowParentChildren = slideshowParentChildren[0]; slideshowParentChildren = slideshowParentChildren['children']; var i = 0; for ( i = 0; i < slideshowParentChildren.length; i++) { if (slideshowParentChildren[i].id == currentSlide['0'].id) { var slide_child = slideshowParentChildren[i]; slide_child = slide_child['children']; var child_id1 = slide_child[0].id var currentSlide_child1 = slide_child[0]; if (child_id1 == prefix + 'slideshow_video') { try { currentSlide_child1.play(); } catch(err) { } var sorce = currentSlide_child1.src; if(sorce.match('youtube')) { if(!sorce.match('&autoplay=1')) { currentSlide_child1.src += "&autoplay=1"; } } } } else { var slide_child = slideshowParentChildren[i]; slide_child = slide_child['children']; var child_id1 = slide_child[0].id var currentSlide_child1 = slide_child[0]; if (child_id1 == prefix + 'slideshow_video') { try { currentSlide_child1.pause(); } catch(err) { } var sorce = currentSlide_child1.src; if(sorce.match('youtube')) { if(sorce.match('&autoplay=1')) { var splt = sorce.split('&'); var j = 0; var conSrc = ''; for (j = 0; j < splt.length-1;j++) { conSrc += splt[j]; } currentSlide_child1.src = conSrc; } } } } } //for video in slideshow-end currentSlide = next; }; //================= None Effect $.fn.TTSlider.effectNone = function (current, next) { next.show(); // next.prependTo(element); var slides = $('#' + element.attr('id') + ' > ul li:lt(' + next.index() + ')'); slides.appendTo(element1); current.delay($.fn.TTSlider.settings.slideShowSpeed).hide(10, function () { var list = next.find('.' + prefix + 'slideshow_last').children().length; if (list != 0) { $.fn.TTSlider.effectForeground(next); } // current.appendTo(element); _bgStretcherAction = false; if (!stopTransition) { _bgStretcherTm = setTimeout('jQuery.fn.TTSlider.slideShow(\'' + jQuery.fn.TTSlider.settings.sequenceMode + '\', -1)', timeout); } }); }; //================= Fade Effect $.fn.TTSlider.effectFade = function (current, next) { next.show(); //next.prependTo(element); var slides = $('#' + element.attr('id') + ' > ul li:lt(' + next.index() + ')'); slides.appendTo(element1); current.fadeOut($.fn.TTSlider.settings.slideShowSpeed, function () { var list = next.find('.' + prefix + 'slideshow_last').children().length; if (list != 0) { $.fn.TTSlider.effectForeground(next); } _bgStretcherAction = false; if (!stopTransition) { _bgStretcherTm = setTimeout('jQuery.fn.TTSlider.slideShow(\'' + jQuery.fn.TTSlider.settings.sequenceMode + '\', -1)', timeout); } }); }; // ================= CircleReveal Effect $.fn.TTSlider.effectCirclereveal = function (current, next) { next.hide(0); next.css({ "border-radius": "50%" }); next.show("scale", { percent: 100, direction: 'both' }, $.fn.TTSlider.settings.slideShowSpeed, function () { //current.appendTo(element); var slides = $('#' + element.attr('id') + ' > ul li:lt(' + next.index() + ')'); slides.appendTo(element1); current.hide(); next.css({ "border-radius": "0%" }); var list = next.find('.' + prefix + 'slideshow_last').children().length; if (list != 0) { $.fn.TTSlider.effectForeground(next); } //current.appendTo(element); _bgStretcherAction = false; if (!stopTransition) { _bgStretcherTm = setTimeout('jQuery.fn.TTSlider.slideShow(\'' + jQuery.fn.TTSlider.settings.sequenceMode + '\', -1)', timeout); } }); }; // ================= RadialBlur Effect $.fn.TTSlider.effectRadialblur = function (current, next) { next.show(); var slides = $('#' + element.attr('id') + ' > ul li:lt(' + next.index() + ')'); slides.appendTo(element1); current.hide("puff", { percent: 150 }, $.fn.TTSlider.settings.slideShowSpeed, function () { var list = next.find('.' + prefix + 'slideshow_last').children().length; if (list != 0) { $.fn.TTSlider.effectForeground(next); } _bgStretcherAction = false; if (!stopTransition) { _bgStretcherTm = setTimeout('jQuery.fn.TTSlider.slideShow(\'' + jQuery.fn.TTSlider.settings.sequenceMode + '\', -1)', timeout); } }); }; //================= Wipe Effect $.fn.TTSlider.effectWipe = function (current, next) { next.show(); var slides = $('#' + element.attr('id') + ' > ul li:lt(' + next.index() + ')'); slides.appendTo(element1); current.hide('drop', { direction: 'right' }, $.fn.TTSlider.settings.slideShowSpeed, function () { var list = next.find('.' + prefix + 'slideshow_last').children().length; if (list != 0) { $.fn.TTSlider.effectForeground(next); } _bgStretcherAction = false; if (!stopTransition) { _bgStretcherTm = setTimeout('jQuery.fn.TTSlider.slideShow(\'' + jQuery.fn.TTSlider.settings.sequenceMode + '\', -1)', timeout); } }); }; //================= SlideLeft Effect $.fn.TTSlider.effectSlideLeft = function (current, next) { next.show(); var w = element.width(); next.css("left", "-" + w + "px"); current.animate({ "left": w + "px" }, $.fn.TTSlider.settings.slideShowSpeed); next.animate({ "left": "0px" }, $.fn.TTSlider.settings.slideShowSpeed, function () { var list = next.find('.' + prefix + 'slideshow_last').children().length; if (list != 0) { $.fn.TTSlider.effectForeground(next); } current.appendTo(element1); _bgStretcherAction = false; if (!stopTransition) { _bgStretcherTm = setTimeout('jQuery.fn.TTSlider.slideShow(\'' + jQuery.fn.TTSlider.settings.sequenceMode + '\', -1)', timeout); } }); }; //================= SlideRight Effect $.fn.TTSlider.effectSlideRight = function (current, next) { next.show(); var w = element.width(); next.css("left", w + "px"); current.animate({ "left": "-" + w + "px" }, $.fn.TTSlider.settings.slideShowSpeed); next.animate({ "left": "0px" }, $.fn.TTSlider.settings.slideShowSpeed, function () { var list = next.find('.' + prefix + 'slideshow_last').children().length; if (list != 0) { $.fn.TTSlider.effectForeground(next); } current.appendTo(element1); _bgStretcherAction = false; if (!stopTransition){ _bgStretcherTm = setTimeout('jQuery.fn.TTSlider.slideShow(\'' + jQuery.fn.TTSlider.settings.sequenceMode + '\', -1)', timeout); } }); }; //================= SlideTop Effect $.fn.TTSlider.effectSlideTop = function (current, next) { next.show(); var t = element.height(); next.css("top", "-" + t + "px"); current.animate({ "top": t + "px" }, $.fn.TTSlider.settings.slideShowSpeed); next.animate({ "top": "0px" }, $.fn.TTSlider.settings.slideShowSpeed, function () { var list = next.find('.' + prefix + 'slideshow_last').children().length; if (list != 0) { $.fn.TTSlider.effectForeground(next); } current.appendTo(element1); _bgStretcherAction = false; if (!stopTransition) { _bgStretcherTm = setTimeout('jQuery.fn.TTSlider.slideShow(\'' + jQuery.fn.TTSlider.settings.sequenceMode + '\', -1)', timeout); } }); }; //================= SlideBottom Effect $.fn.TTSlider.effectSlideBottom = function (current, next) { next.show(); var t = element.height(); next.css("top", t + "px"); current.animate({ "top": "-" + t + "px" }, $.fn.TTSlider.settings.slideShowSpeed); next.animate({ "top": "0px" }, $.fn.TTSlider.settings.slideShowSpeed, function () { var list = next.find('.' + prefix + 'slideshow_last').children().length; if (list != 0) { $.fn.TTSlider.effectForeground(next); } current.appendTo(element1); _bgStretcherAction = false; if (!stopTransition) { _bgStretcherTm = setTimeout('jQuery.fn.TTSlider.slideShow(\'' + jQuery.fn.TTSlider.settings.sequenceMode + '\', -1)', timeout); } }); }; // ================= Blind Effect $.fn.TTSlider.effectBlind = function (current, next) { next.show(); next.prependTo(element1); current.show($.fn.TTSlider.settings.slideShowSpeed, function () { var elementWidth = current.width(); var elementHeight = current.height(); var duration = $.fn.TTSlider.settings.slideShowSpeed; var sliceDelay = 10; var numberOfSlices = 5; var slice = new Object(); slice.Name = "my_slice"; slice.Height = elementHeight / numberOfSlices; slice.Width = elementWidth; slice.InitialLeft = 0; slice.InitialTop = 0.1; slice.LeftLimit = null; slice.TopLimit = 0.1; slice.nextNumber = 1; var nextImgSrc = next.css('background-image').replace(/^url\(['"]?/, '').replace(/['"]?\)$/, ''); var background_size = next.css('background-size'); var background_position = next.css('background-position'); slicesGenerated = createSlices(current, numberOfSlices, slice, nextImgSrc, background_size, background_position, true); animateSlices(slicesGenerated, slice.LeftLimit, slice.TopLimit, duration, sliceDelay, true); setTimeout(function () { current.hide(); var list = next.find('.' + prefix + 'slideshow_last').children().length; if (list != 0) { $.fn.TTSlider.effectForeground(next); } current.appendTo(element1); _bgStretcherAction = false; if (!stopTransition) { _bgStretcherTm = setTimeout('jQuery.fn.TTSlider.slideShow(\'' + jQuery.fn.TTSlider.settings.sequenceMode + '\', -1)', timeout); } }, $.fn.TTSlider.settings.slideShowSpeed); }); }; // blind---------------------------- function createSlices(parent, no_of_slices, slice, nextImgSrc, size, position, nextimg) { var Left = null; var Top = null; if (nextimg) { Left = null; Top = 0.1; } var slices = new Array(no_of_slices); var el = parent.attr('id'); var w = parent.width(); var h = parent.height(); for (var i = 0; i < slices.length; i++) { slices[i] = slice.Name + slice.nextNumber; var ele = document.createElement('div'); ele.setAttribute("id", slices[i]); ele.style.position = "absolute"; ele.style.overflow = "hidden"; ele.style.width = slice.Width + "px"; ele.style.height = slice.Height + "px"; ele.style.left = Left + "px"; ele.style.top = Top + "px"; var innerDiv = document.createElement('div'); var innerDivName = "child_" + slice.Name + slice.nextNumber; innerDiv.setAttribute("id", innerDivName); innerDiv.style.position = "absolute"; innerDiv.style.overflow = "hidden"; innerDiv.style.width = w + "px"; innerDiv.style.height = h + "px"; innerDiv.style.left = Left + "px"; innerDiv.style.top = -Top + "px"; innerDiv.style.backgroundImage = "url(" + nextImgSrc + ")"; innerDiv.style.backgroundPosition = position; innerDiv.style.backgroundSize = size; innerDiv.style.backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat"; Top = Top + slice.Height; ele.appendChild(innerDiv); ////el = parent.attr('id'); document.getElementById(el).appendChild(ele); ++(slice.nextNumber); } return (slices); }; function animateSlices(slices, leftLimit, topLimit, duration, delay, removeSlicesAfterAnimation) { var timing = 1; var currentElement = null; for (var i = 0; i < slices.length; i++) { currentElement = $("#" + slices[i]); animator.move(currentElement, leftLimit, topLimit, duration, timing, removeSlicesAfterAnimation); timing = timing + delay; } }; var animator = new Object(); animator.move = function (ele, leftLimit, topLimit, duration, delay, remove) { var w = ele.width(); var h = ele.height(); ele.height(topLimit); //alert('w and h is '+w+'-'+h); setTimeout(function () { if (leftLimit == null) { if (remove) { ele.animate({ height: h }, duration, function () { ele.remove(); }); } else { ele.animate({ height: h }, duration); } } else { if (remove) { ele.animate({ left: leftLimit }, duration, null, function () { ele.remove(); }); } else { ele.animate({ left: leftLimit }, duration); } } }, delay); }; // ================= Pixelalte Effect $.fn.TTSlider.effectPixelate = function (current, next) { next.prependTo(element); next.show(10, function () { mycanvas = document.getElementById('mycanvas'); mycanvas.width = element.width(); mycanvas.height = element.height(); ctx = mycanvas.getContext('2d'); ctx.mozImageSmoothingEnabled = false; ctx.webkitImageSmoothingEnabled = false; ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false; //img.onload = function(){pixelate;}; window.img.src = next.css('background-image').replace(/^url\(['"]?/, '').replace(/['"]?\)$/, ''); v = Math.min(25, parseInt(25, 10)), dx = 0.3; anim(); }); current.hide(10, function () { _bgStretcherAction = false; current.appendTo(element); }); }; function pixelate(v) { var size = v * 0.02, w = mycanvas.width * size, h = mycanvas.height * size; ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, w, h); ctx.drawImage(mycanvas, 0, 0, w, h, 0, 0, mycanvas.width, mycanvas.height); } function anim() { v += dx; if (v <= 1 || v > 25) { dx = -dx; clearInterval(loop); } pixelate(v); loop = setTimeout(anim, 10); } /*$.fn.TTSlider.effectCirclereveal = function (current, next) { next.css({ "border-radius": "50%" }); next.show("scale",{ percent: 100, direction: 'both' }, $.fn.TTSlider.settings.slideShowSpeed , function () { /*next.css({"border-radius":"0%","-moz-transition":"border-radius 1s linear","transition":"border-radius 1s linear"});*/ /*next.animate({ borderTopLeftRadius: 0, borderTopRightRadius: 0, borderBottomLeftRadius: 0, borderBottomRightRadius: 0 }, $.fn.TTSlider.settings.slideShowSpeed , function () { var list = next.find('.' + prefix + 'slideshow_last').children().length; if (list != 0) { $.fn.TTSlider.effectForeground(next); } current.appendTo(element); transitionEffect = next.attr("data-slideEffect"); setTimeout('jQuery.fn.TTSlider.slideShow(\''+jQuery.fn.TTSlider.settings.sequenceMode+'\', -1)',(timeout * 1000)); }); }); };*/ /*$.fn.TTSlider.simpleSlide = function(next){ var t, l; switch ($.fn.TTSlider.settings.slideDirection) { case 'N': case 'S': t = next.index() * next.height()*(-1); l = 0; break; default: l = next.index() * next.width()*(-1); t = 0; } element.animate({left: l+'px', top: t+'px'}, $.fn.TTSlider.settings.slideShowSpeed, function(){ _bgStretcherAction = false; transitionEffect = next.attr("data-slideEffect"); }); };*/ $.fn.TTSlider._clearTimeout = function () { if (_bgStretcherTm != null) { clearTimeout(_bgStretcherTm); _bgStretcherTm = null; } }; /* Pagination */ $.fn.TTSlider.pagination = function () { var slides = $("." + $.fn.TTSlider.settings.cssPrefix + "slide"); var numberOfSlides = slides.length; for (var i = 0; i < numberOfSlides; i++) { (function () { var closureCount = i; var slideLabel = i + 1; var className = "paginationLink"; var x = $('
' + slideLabel + '
'); x.click(function () { var elem = $('#' + element.attr('id') + '> ul li'); var ele = $("." + prefix + 'slideshow_last > div'); ele.finish(); elem.stop(true, true); $.fn.TTSlider._clearTimeout(); $.fn.TTSlider.slideShow($.fn.TTSlider.settings.sequenceMode, closureCount); }); $('#nav').append(x); })(); } $('#nav > a:first').addClass('current'); }; $.fn.TTSlider.button = function () { var x = $(''); var y = $(''); var slides = $("." + $.fn.TTSlider.settings.cssPrefix + "slide"); var numberOfSlides = slides.length; x.click(function () { if (_bgStretcherAction || (numberOfSlides < 2)) return false; /*$(element.selector + '> div:gt(0)').stop(true, true); $(element.selector + '> div:gt(0) > div > div:gt(0)').stop(true, true);*/ var elem = $('#' + element.attr('id') + '> ul li'); var ele = $('.' + prefix + 'slideshow_last > div'); ele.finish(); elem.stop(true, true); $.fn.TTSlider._clearTimeout(); $.fn.TTSlider.slideShow($.fn.TTSlider.settings.sequenceMode, -2); }); y.click(function () { if (_bgStretcherAction || (numberOfSlides < 2)) return false; var elem = $('#' + element.attr('id') + '> ul li'); var ele = $('.' + prefix + 'slideshow_last > div'); ele.finish(); elem.stop(true, true); $.fn.TTSlider._clearTimeout(); $.fn.TTSlider.slideShow($.fn.TTSlider.settings.sequenceMode, -1); }); $('.left-button').append(x); $('.right-button').append(y); }; /*------------ Foreground Image Effects -----------------*/ $.fn.TTSlider.effectForeground = function (div1) { var listing = div1.find("." + prefix + "slideshow_last ").children(); var listing1 = div1.find("." + prefix + "slideshow_element_alignment").children(); $(listing,listing1).each(function(){ effectt = $(this).attr("data-effect"); time = $(this).attr("data-begintime"); duration = $(this).attr("data-duration"); easingg = $(this).attr("data-easing"); slidedirection = $(this).attr("data-slide"); w = $('.' + prefix + 'slideshow_last').width(); h = $('.' + prefix + 'slideshow_last').height(); f_width = $(this).width(); f_height = $(this).height(); if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 8.") != -1) { left = $(this).css("left"); right = $(this).css("right"); } else { style = window.getComputedStyle(this), left = style.getPropertyValue("left"); right = $(this).css("right"); } if(left == "0px" && right =="0px"){ margin_border = 0; mleft = $(this).css("margin-left").replace("px",""); if(mleft != "auto" ){ margin_border = Number(mleft); } mright = $(this).css('margin-right').replace("px",""); if(mright != "auto"){ margin_border = Number(mright); } bleft = $(this).css("border-left-width").replace("px",""); if(bleft != "auto"){ margin_border = Number(bleft); } bright = $(this).css("border-right-width").replace("px",""); if(bright != "auto"){ margin_border = Number(bright); } left = ((w/2 - f_width/2)/( w - margin_border) * 100) +"%"; if(slidedirection !== undefined) { if(slidedirection == "None" || slidedirection == "top" || slidedirection == "bottom"){ $(this).css("right", "0px"); } else{ $(this).css("right", "auto"); } } } topp = $(this).css("top"); bottomm = $(this).css("bottom"); var t = time * 1000; var d = duration * 1000; timeout1 = Number(t) + Number(d) + 500; timeout = (timeout > timeout1) ? timeout : timeout1; switch (slidedirection) { case 'left': if(left == 'auto') { if (effectt == 'Fade') { $(this).css({ 'right': '100%' }).delay(t).fadeIn(1000).animate({ 'right': right }, d, easingg); } else { $(this).css({ 'right': '100%' }).delay(t).show().animate({ 'right': right }, d, easingg); } } else if(right == 'auto') { if (effectt == 'Fade') { $(this).css({ 'left': -w + 'px' }).delay(t).fadeIn(1000).animate({ 'left': left }, d, easingg); } else { $(this).css({ 'left': w + 'px' }).delay(t).show().animate({ 'left': left }, d, easingg); } } else { if (effectt == 'Fade') { $(this).css({ 'left': -f_height + 'px' }).delay(t).fadeIn(1000).animate({ 'left': left }, d, easingg); } else { $(this).css({ 'left': -f_height + 'px' }).delay(t).show().animate({ 'left': left }, d, easingg); } } break; case 'right': if (effectt == 'Fade') { if(left == 'auto') { $(this).css({ 'right': -w + 'px' }).delay(t).fadeIn(1000).animate({ 'right': right }, d, easingg); } else { $(this).css({ 'left': w + 'px' }).delay(t).fadeIn(1000).animate({ 'left': left }, d, easingg); } } else { if(left == 'auto') { $(this).css({ 'right': -w + 'px' }).delay(t).show().animate({ 'right': right }, d, easingg); } else { $(this).css({ 'left': w + 'px' }).delay(t).show().animate({ 'left': left }, d, easingg); } } break; case 'top': if(bottomm != 'auto') { let bottom = parseInt(h) - parseInt(f_height); if (effectt == 'Fade') { $(this).css({ 'bottom': bottom + 'px' }).delay(t).fadeIn(1000).animate({ 'bottom': bottomm }, d, easingg); } else { $(this).css({ 'bottom': bottom + 'px' }).delay(t).show().animate({ 'bottom': bottomm }, d, easingg); } } else { if (effectt == 'Fade') { $(this).css({ 'top': -f_height + 'px' }).delay(t).fadeIn(1000).animate({ 'top': topp }, d, easingg); } else { $(this).css({ 'top': -f_height + 'px' }).delay(t).show().animate({ 'top': topp }, d, easingg); } } break; case 'bottom': if(bottomm != 'auto') { if (effectt == 'Fade') { $(this).css({ 'bottom': -f_height + 'px' }).delay(t).fadeIn(1000).animate({ 'bottom': bottomm }, d, easingg); } else { $(this).css({ 'bottom': -f_height + 'px' }).delay(t).show().animate({ 'bottom': bottomm }, d, easingg); } } else { if (effectt == 'Fade') { $(this).css({ 'top': h + 'px' }).delay(t).fadeIn(1000).animate({ 'top': topp }, d, easingg); } else { $(this).css({ 'top': h + 'px' }).delay(t).show().animate({ 'top': topp }, d, easingg); } } break; case 'left,top': if(bottomm != 'auto') { let bottom = parseInt(h) - parseInt(f_height); if(left == 'auto') { if (effectt == 'Fade') { $(this).css({ 'right': '100%', 'bottom': bottom + 'px' }).delay(t).fadeIn(1000).animate({ 'right': right, 'bottom': bottomm }, d, easingg); } else { $(this).css({ 'right': '100%', 'bottom': bottom + 'px' }).delay(t).show().animate({ 'right': right, 'bottom': bottomm }, d, easingg); } } else if(right == 'auto') { if (effectt == 'Fade') { $(this).css({ 'left': -w + 'px', 'bottom': bottom + 'px' }).delay(t).fadeIn(1000).animate({ 'left': left, 'bottom': bottomm }, d, easingg); } else { $(this).css({ 'left': -w + 'px', 'bottom': bottom + 'px' }).delay(t).show().animate({ 'left': left, 'bottom': bottomm }, d, easingg); 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